Kategori: Bookkeeping

Last-In First-Out LIFO Method

Businesses using the LIFO method will record the most recent inventory costs first, which impacts taxes if the cost of goods in the current economic conditions are higher and sales are down. This means that LIFO could enable businesses to pay less income tax than they likely should be paying, which the FIFO method does […]

Outsourcing Accounts Payable: The Pros and Cons

Additionally, implementing efficient AP solutions can enhance tracking and auditing capabilities, reduce petty cash theft, and facilitate quicker identification of suspicious activity. Accounts payable outsourcing and accounts payable automation are two methods businesses use to improve their accounts payable workflows and processes, and they often overlap in practice. Outsourcing accounts payable involves sharing sensitive financial […]

2023 Pennsylvania Paycheck Calculator

All wages, salaries, cash gifts from employers, business income, tips, gambling income, bonuses, and unemployment benefits are subject to a federal income tax. Unlike most other states in the U.S., Pennsylvania does not exempt contributions to 401(k)s, 403(b)s and other retirement accounts from income taxes and withholdings. However, once you reach retirement and begin taking […]