9 3 Accounting Basics for Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurship

Software, apps, and cloud-based bookkeepers have made it a breeze to track expenses and not have to keep hundreds of receipts lying around. Check out solutions like Rydoo, Expensify, Zoho Expense, and Shoeboxed to help manage your expenses. Many business expenses are tax deductions — expenses that deduct from what you owe in taxes. https://personal-accounting.org/ For example, if I spent $500 to fly to and attend a marketing conference, that’s $500 less I owe in taxes for that year. In order to claim a deduction, you need to keep a record of that expense. It makes it easier for stakeholders to understand and compare performance because it separates it into short periods of time.

Sometimes this extra data can help the public image of a company or clarify the value of a company’s investments. A business with healthy (positive) equity is attractive to potential investors, lenders, and buyers. Investors and analysts also look at your business’s EBITDA, which stands for earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization.

  1. All stakeholders in a company — from owners and investors to customers, suppliers, and even the government — want to know about the financial standing of an endeavor.
  2. This is used to reset balances of temporary accounts back to zero and restart the accounting cycle.
  3. If you use accounting software, all of these journals and ledgers are created behind the scenes.

For a full list of the records you should file as an entrepreneur, visit the IRS website.

Statement of Cash Flow

Thankfully, Square and PayPal make it easy to accept card payments using your smartphone or tablet. These programs also send your customers’ receipts, reconcile your transactions, and handle returns if necessary. This principle states that the accountant has reported all information consistently throughout the reporting process. Under the principle of consistency, accountants must clearly state any changes in financial data on financial statements.

Accounting for Business Decision Making: Measurement and Operational Decisions

You might start your business accounting recording every transaction. But as your business grows or circumstances change, you may want to revisit the way you record and report small transactions. This sounds straightforward, but accounting can impact both internal and external opinions. Because of this, many publicly-traded companies report both GAAP and non-GAAP income.


Accruals are credits and debts that you’ve recorded but not yet fulfilled. These could be sales you’ve completed but not yet collected payment on or expenses you’ve made but not yet paid for. These help accountants gather information from stakeholders and communicate their findings. Knowledge of how the business works is also essential to contextualize financial data. Examples of this might include a cash flow statement for operations or an income statement for an upcoming board meeting.

The Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) are a blueprint for accounting across sectors and industries in the U.S. The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) established the GAAP to uphold quality standards for accounting activities. To calculate your burn rate, simply pick a time period (such as a quarter or a year). Subtract your on-hand cash amount at the end of that period from your on-hand cash at the beginning, then divide that number by the number of months in the period (or by your chosen cadence).

What follows is a guide to better understanding the numbers that drive a business. As the examples make clear, even smart people with advanced degrees can become confused by accounting issues. DON’T MISTAKE DEBT FOR PROFIT After earning a master’s degree in industrial engineering, Bart Justice figured he would get a job doing computer simulations or technical sales.

After writing off most of the balance, he stopped sending new shipments to customers who had a balance due and started getting more upfront payments and staying on top of customers. “It’s like a racecar that goes too fast and runs out of gas,” said Doug Tatum, a serial entrepreneur who is a visiting professor of entrepreneurship accounting basics for entrepreneurs at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro. Business owners do not necessarily need to know how to prepare a balance sheet, but they do have to know which gauges to watch. Another easy to use option that’s perfect for self-employed entrepreneurs who need an affordable accounting solution is Neat.

Our easy online application is free, and no special documentation is required. All applicants must be at least 18 years of age, proficient in English, and committed to learning and engaging with fellow participants throughout the program. No, all of our programs are 100 percent online, and available to participants regardless of their location. During the event, Porter walked students through actual financial documents from Conagra, which owns brands including Duncan Hynes, Healthy Choice and Slim Jim.

Understanding GAAP will help you gain knowledge about your company and relay that information to potential investors. In fact, the terms “accounting” and “financial analysis” tend to put business owners to sleep or send them screaming from the room. But to run a business effectively, most owners need to have some understanding of their finances.

In fact, I’ve only ever officially met one of my clients — the rest I work with purely over email. Because of that, I collect most of my payments through an online gateway. Raise your hand if you’ve heard anyone say, “Hey, I can write that off.” I heard my parents say that a lot when I was younger — they’re both entrepreneurs — and I had no idea what it meant. It’s also a good idea to set your fiscal year when you start your business.

Updated: 14 Februari 2024 — 6:28 am